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    Publications before 2020

    17. Biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoates by stereoselective copolymerization of racemic diolides: Stereocontrol mechanism and polyolefin-like properties.

    Tang, X.; Westlie, A. H.; Caporaso, L.; Cavallo, L.; Falivene, L.*; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 7881.

    16. Stereosequenced crystalline polyhydroxyalkanoates from diastereomeric monomer mixtures. 

    Tang, X.; Westlie, A. H.; Watson, E. M.; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    Science 2019, 366, 754.

    15. Packaging materials with desired mechanical and barrier properties and full chemical recyclability.

    Sangroniz, A.; Zhu, J.-B.; Tang, X.; Etxeberria, A.; Chen, E. Y.-X. *, Haritz Sardon*

    Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 3559.

    14. Toward infinitely recyclable plastics derived from renewable cyclic esters.

    Tang, X.; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    Chem 2019, 5, 284.

    13. Chemical synthesis of perfectly isotactic and high melting bacterial poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from bio-sourced racemic cyclic diolide.

    Tang, X.; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 2345.

    Ranked 29th among Nature Communications Top 50 most read chemistry and materials science articles from 2018

    12. ‘Nonstrained’ γ-butyrolactone-based copolyesters: copolymerization characteristics and composition-dependent (thermal, eutectic, cocrystallization, and degradation) properties.

    Hong, M.*; Tang, X.; Newell, B. S.; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    Macromolecules 2017, 50, 8469.

    11. Organocatalytic Coupling of Bromo-Lactide with Cyclic Ethers and Carbonates to Chiral Bromo-Diesters: NHC or Anion Catalysis?

    Zhu, J.-B.; Tang, X.; Falivene, L.; Caporaso, L.; Cavallo, L.;* Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 3929.

    10. The quest for converting biorenewable bifunctional α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone into degradable and recyclable polyester: Controlling vinyl-addition/ring-opening/cross-linking pathways.

    Tang, X.; Hong, M.; Falivene, L.; Caporaso, L.; Cavallo, L.*; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 14326.

    9. Proton-transfer polymerization by N-heterocyclic carbenes: Monomer and catalyst scopes and mechanism for converting dimethacrylates into unsaturated polyesters.

    Hong, M.; Tang, X.; Falivene, L.; Caporaso, L.; Cavallo L.*; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 2021.

    8. Ethylene polymerisation and ethylene/norbornene copolymerisation by using aryloxo-modified vanadium(V) complexes containing 2,6-difluoro-, dichloro-phenylimido complexes.

    Diteepeng N.#; Tang, X.#; Hou, X.; Li, Y.-S.; Phomphraib, K.; Nomura, K.*

    (# equal contribution as the first author)

    Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 12273. 

    7. Synthesis of (imido)vanadium(V) complexes containing 8‑(2,6-dimethylanilide)-5,6,7- trihydroquinoline ligands: Highly active catalyst precursors for ethylene dimerization.

    Tang, X.-Y.#; Igarashi, A.#; Sun, W.-H.; Inagaki, A.; Liu, J.; Zhang, W.; Li, Y.-S.; Nomura, K. *

    (# equal contribution as the first author)

    Organometallics 2014, 33, 1053.

    6. Synthesis and characterization of phosphine-(thio)phenolate-based half-zirconocenes and their application in ethylene (co-)polymerization.

    Tang, X.-Y.; Long, Y.-Y.; Wang, Y.-X.; Liu, J.-Y.*; Li, Y.-S.

    Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 222.

    5. Phosphine-thiophenolate half-titanocene chlorides: synthesis, structure, and their application in ethylene (co-)polymerization.

    Tang, X.-Y.; Liu, J.-Y.*; Li, Y.-S.

    Catalysts 2013, 3, 261.

    4. Monochloro non-bridged half-metallocene-type zirconium complexes containing phosphine oxide-(thio)phenolate chelating ligands as efficient ethylene polymerization catalysts.

    Tang, X.-Y.; Wang, Y.-X.; Liu, S.-R.; Li, B.-X.; Liu, J.-Y.*; Li, Y.-S.

    Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 499.

    3. Highly efficient ethylene/norbornene copolymerization by o-di(phenyl)phosphanylphenolate-based half-titanocene complexes.

    Tang, X.-Y.; Wang, Y.-X.; Li, B.-X.; Liu, J.-Y.*; Li, Y.-S.

    J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2013, 51, 1585.

    2. Synthesis and characterization of novel titanium complexes bearing [ONX]-type β-enaminoketonato ligands and their application to ethylene (co)polymerization.

    Tao, P.; Tang, X.-Y.; Li, B.-X.; Liu, J.-Y.*; Li, Y.-S.

    Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 7390.

    1. Random copolymers of propylene with 1,5-hexadiene containing only cyclopentane units in main chain and tailoring structure and mechanical properties of the copolymers.

    Shi, X.-c.; Tang, X.-y.; Li, Y.-s*

    Polymer 2011, 52, 3053.