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  • 16
    Achieving Exceptional Thermal and Hydrolytic Resistance in Chemically Circular Polyesters via In-Chain 1,3-Cyclobutane Rings.

    Weng, C.; Ding, Z.; Qiu, W.; Wang, B.; and  Tang, X.*
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202401682


  • 15
    A Step Forward Unraveling the Lanthanides Discrimination Puzzle: Structure-Selectivity Relationship Based on Phenanthroline Diimides Ligands Towards Europium and Terbium Detection in Water.

    Kang, Y.#;  Li, H.#; Bao, M.#; Zheng, Y.; Wang, L.; Liu, D.; Li, J.; Wei, Z.; Weng, C.; Wang, G.; Tang, X.*; Wang, L. *

    J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, Accpeted. 


  • 14
    Ligand structure optimization leads to efficient acid-resist Am(III)/Eu(III) separation in n-octanol

    Liu, Y.;  Bao, M.; Wang, L.; Kang, Y.; Dou, Y.; Qin, J.; Guo, F.; Hao, H.;  Wang, Z.; Tang, X.; Chen, J.*; Wang, L.*; Xu, C.*

    Chem. Eng. J. 2024, 485, 149730.


  • 13
    Tailoring the Properties of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from Plastics to Elastomers via Stereoselective Copolymerizations of rac-β-Butyrolactone and β-Propiolactone

    Zhang, H.; Qin, J.; Tang, X.*

    Chin. J. Chem. 2024, 42, 963.(Inside Back Cover)


  • 12
    Hydroxyl-group functionalized phenanthroline diimides as efficient masking agents for Am(III)/Eu(III) separation under harsh conditions.

    Liu, Y.; Kang, Y.; Bao, M.; Cao, H.; Weng, C.; Dong, X.; Hao, H.; Tang, X.; Chen, J.*; Wang, L.*; Xu, C.*

    J. Hazard. Mater. 2024, 462, 132756.


  • 11
    Toward catalyst-free synthesis of tough cyclic poly(ester amide)s: Alternating copolymerization of aziridines and phthalic anhydride

    Qin, J.; Tang, X.*

    Macromolecules 2023, 56, 8666.


  • 10
    Chemical Synthesis of Crystalline Biodegradable Polyhydroxyalkanoates

    Liao, X.#; Qin, J.#; Tang, X.*

    Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2023, 54, 1426.(Invited contribution)


  • 09
    All-polyhydroxyalkanoate triblock copolymers via a stereoselective-chemocatalytic route.

    Westlie, A. H.; Hesse, S. A.; Tang, X.; Quinn, E. C.; Parker, C. R.; Takacs, C. J.; Tassone, C. J.; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    ACS Macro Lett. 2023, 12, 619.


  • 08
    Inhibition effect of novel amphiphilic poly(amino acid)s on methane hydrate.

    Zhang, Q.; Li, Z.; Wu, G.; Tang, X.; Lu, H.*

    Gas Sci. Eng. 2023, 113, 204971.

  • 07
    Circular polymers from ring-opening polymerization of five-membered (thio)lactones and derivatives.

    Weng, C.; Tang, X.*

    Chin. J. Chem. 2023, 41, 1603.


  • 06
    Crystalline aliphatic polyesters from eight-membered cyclic (di)esters.

    Tang, X.*; Shi, C.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    J. Poly. Sci. 2022, 60, 3478.


  • 05
    Stereoselective synthesis of biodegradable polymers by salen-type metal catalysts

    Liao, X.#; Su, Y.#; Tang, X.*

    Sci. China Chem. 2022, 65, 2096.(Invited contribution)


  • 04
    Alternating isotactic polyhydroxyalkanoates via site- and stereoselective polymerization of unsymmetrical diolides.

    Zhang, Z.; Shi, C.; Scoti, M.; Tang, X.; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 20016.


  • 03
    Effect of chain stereoconfiguration on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) crystallization kinetics.

    Caputo, M. R.; Tang, X.; Westlie, A. H.; Sardon, H.*; Chen, E. Y.-X.*; Müller, A. J.*

    Biomacromolecules 2022, 23, 3847.


  • 02
    Chemical synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates via metal-catalyzed ring-opening polymerization of cyclic esters

    Tang, X.*

    Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022; pp 1–21 (Part of the Advances in Polymer Science book series,invited contribution)


  • 01
    Toughening biodegradable isotactic poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) via stereoselective copolymerization of a diolide and lactones.

    Tang, X.*; Shi, C.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, E. Y.-X.*

    Macromolecules 2021, 54, 9401.
